was compelled to decide that priests who had kept two or more concubines, successively or simultaneously, did not thereby incur the disabilities which attended digamists; or, in other words, that a layman who had contracted two lawful marriages and then proceeded to ordination on the death of his second wife, could be absolved only by the pope; whereas the concubinary priest, "as a man branded with simple fornication," might receive a valid dispensation from his own bishop (Letter to archbishop of Lund in 1212. Now we have not to decide whether the Greeks were right in thinking that Prometheus only meant "the fore-sighted wise man," or whether the Germans know better, and are correct when they say the name merely meant "fire-stick.". decide the winners from such a talented pool. I had a little bit of make-up and was trying to decide how much to put on. *** I still don’t know what to do, I haven’t decided yet. But the NFL may yet decide on its own to delay. meet regularly to decide how the group's businesses should be run. Colonel Stoddarts refusal to allow any but British mediators to decide the pending dispute won the day; and that officer was able to report that on the 9th of September Mahommed Shah had mounted his horse and gone from before the walls of the beleaguered city. In determining whether the races of mankind are to be classed as varieties of one species, it is important to decide whether every two races can unite to produce fertile offspring. As long as it has a subject and a predicate, a group of words can form a sentence, no matter how short. CK 1 2047589 Choose carefully. In spite of his instincts for dominion and the ardour of his temperament, he made no attempt to shake off the French yoke, and did not decide on hostilities with France until Philip the Fair and his legists attempted to change the character of the kingship, emphasized its lay tendencies, and exerted themselves to gratify the desire for political and financial independence which was shared by the French nation and many other European peoples. Do your family a big favor and decideone … Whichever route you decide to take, for many people the next step will be to employ an architect. His views on the independence of civil rule were even more decidedly expressed in the Tractatus de jurisdictione imperatoris in causis matrimonialibus, in which, in spite of the medieval idea that matrimony is a sacrament, he demands that it belongs to the civil power to decide cases of affinity and to state the prohibited degrees. Large sections of the old history are devoted to the religion and politics of the ten tribes, which are altogether unintelligible and uninteresting when measured by a strictly Levitical standard; and in general the whole problems and struggles of the prophetic period turn on points which had ceased to be cardinal in the life of the New Jerusalem, which was no longer called to decide between the claims of the Word of Yahweh and the exigencies of political. "(Article 64.)" If the United States can decide when captured individuals are " unlawful combatants " why can't others do the same, or worse? You need to decide whether you want to aim for the 25th or 75th percentile by looking at the individual indicator. Even then Napoleon would not decide on immediate hostilities, and it required all Cavour's genius to bring him to the point and lead Austria into a declaration of war (April 1859). Logic cannot, it is true, decide what these things are, nor what the senses know about them, without appealing to metaphysics and psychology. The rulers of the city met to decide what should be done with the corn. Once you've determined your setting, you'll want to decide on your virtual persona. Each and every case he will decide on its own merits and without reference to decisions upon the other cases not now before him. We've decided to go to an Italian restaurant for supper. In each case in which there is a genuine difference of reading between the two texts, it is for the critic to decide; often, however, he will have to seek to go behind what both the texts present in order to constitute a truer text than either. 4 It is not necessary to decide whether the epistle is by St Paul or by a pupil of Paul, although the former seems to the present writer to be by far the more probable, in spite of the brilliant attack on the genuineness of the epistle by Wrede in Texte and Ubersetzungen, N.F. premature to decide to call for a vote for Respect so far in advance of the elections. The tracery of a rose window over the door of the North aisle, is gone, and perhaps it is difficult to decide what it meant. The facts were left to the jury to decide as best they might, and no principle was. Log in. 233. A property qualification, found in the original constitution, was removed in 1845. The task of elected legislators is to decide what the law should be. Arbitrators strictly so called may (as in the " Alabama " case) proceed to award damages after they have decided the question of liability; whilst " mixed commissions," before awarding damages, usually have to decide whether the pecuniary claims made are or are not well founded. Learn more about criminal sentencing and similar topics, by visiting FindLaw's Sentencing section. Decide, my dear, good, gentle Marie, whom I have always loved as a daughter! R. The queen refused to yield to Aurelian's demand for surrender, and drew up her army at Emesa for the battle which was to decide her fate. Looking for sentences with "Decide"?Here are some examples. lousy weather you can decide how you feel about museums. The question is one of geology, simply to decide whether those recovered at Trenton are ancient. "Ask me again when you decide to follow the path at your feet," Fate said. The twenty-five were to hear and decide upon any claims and complaints preferred against the king, and to keep tip their numbers by co-optation, so that it would seem that the barons intended to keep a permanent watch upon the crown. shreyasgowda72 shreyasgowda72 03.10.2020 English Secondary School Take the world decide make a sentence 1 See answer shreyasgowda72 is waiting for your help. I'll decide when it's safe for you to feed them. This is a vaguer form of control than a protectorate, and frequently amounts merely to an agreement amongst civilized powers to respect the right of one of their number to exercise government within a certain area, if it should decide to do so at any future time. Have they put the Christmas yet? Still shaken from her discussion with Gabriel, she couldn.t decide if she wanted to run to the comfort of Rhyn.s arms or send him away for good, before Gabriel took her away. Pol. medical paternalism is being replaced by an emphasis on autonomy, with adequate information for patients to decide. The first sentence asks about the favorite color of the person, which can be any color on the palette. I cannot make a decision before I discuss this with my parents. Turning first one way and then the other in front of the mirror, she tried to decide what it was about the dress that Denton found so objectionable. Physico-chemical properties have also been drawn upon to decide whether double unions are present in the benzene complex; but here the predilections of the observers apparently influence the nature of the conclusions to be drawn from such data. “You ate fish.” More complex sentences can combine multiple clauses or phrases to add additional information about what is described. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. He might decide to accept that inheritance. As Spiegel remarks (Die arische Periode, p. 105), though it is easy enough to connect the word with a root ar-, there are several roots of that form which have different meanings, and there is no certain criterion whereby to decide to which of them it is related. It was virtually asked to decide in 1868 whether it would put its trust in Liberal or Conservative, in Gladstone or Disraeli. CK 1 441998 Choose one person. are eight horns in the orchestra their material should be indistinguishable from pianoforte writing, and that, in short, the part of every instrument should look exactly like the part of every other - such questions are for posterity to decide. So I wouldn't have one lovebird if you decide to choose this species. I couldn't decide whether it was a general purpose solver, or just has a large database of solved cryptograms. Meaning: Bring to an end; settle conclusively. The care for his welfare led his father to decide to move to a better neighborhood. On the whole the probabilities of the two sites seem to balance, and it is practically impossible without further discoveries to decide between them. Native courts decide suits between Mahommedans. Complex Sentence Generator is a free content rewriter that can potentially rephrase, reword, paraphrase and/or rewrite sentences, paragraphs, articles, content, words and/or phrases into a more complex, unorthodox or convoluted alternative while delivering the same meaning. By the terms of this treaty Peru ceded to Chile unconditionally the province of Tarapaca, and the provinces of Tacna and Arica were placed under Chilean authority for the term of ten years, the inhabitants having then to decide by a general vote whether they remained a part of Chile or elected to belong once more to Peru. He kept telling himself that he would consider the whole matter and decide what was right and how he should act, but instead of that he only excited himself more and more. The attitude of Ultramontanism, for instance, towards the right claimed and exercised by the state to make laws concerning marriage is wholly negative; for it recognizes no marriage laws except those of the Church, the Church alone being regarded as competent to decide what impediments are a bar to marriage, and to exercise jurisdiction over such cases. As to when all this would take place, well that was up to the chief and the senior male orcs to decide. Add your answer and earn points. transitive verb 1.1 decide in a sentence - Use "decide" in a sentence 1. Darian wasn't sure what his little brother would decide. The widespread opinion that this sense first asserted itself in reference to the Arab root aj+ (faraqa), " sever," or " decide," is open to considerable doubt. 1. I am hardly prepared to decide that question, or even give an opinion regarding it. Thenceforward the impressions of judges and jurors were to decide the fate of the accused. Decided is to make a choice. This feeling was not less conspicuous in the far-ranging rides, or raids, of the Cromwellian cavalry. Earlier And Later Writings Aristotle's quotations of his other books and of historical facts only inform us at best of the dates of isolated passages, and cannot decide the dates and sequences of whole philosophical books which occupied him for many years. desegregatewant the judges to decide how fast should we go in relation to desegregating a segregated society. Sentence example: They decide to move . (immediately, quickly) " She suddenly decided to join them on their trip. " Simply cut out the word cards and get your students to place them in the correct positions on the mat. Here it is used, in the limited sense defined by an American Court, as " the authority by which judicial officers take cognizance of and decide causes.". A district judge would have to decide whether CSA could simultaneously apply for a charging order. The one sentence you need to know to decide anything. The administration office shall decide on granting the authorization taking the above statement into consideration. Examples of Decide in a sentence *** How do you decide whether to allow an exemption? You have to decide if it's important enough to speak up. If there is an enhanced scrip dividend we will ask you to decide whether to take the dividend in shares or in cash. But in the second sentence, the person is given two choices, red and pink, and they have to choose between these two options only. Although, as was natural, Cavendish was satisfied with his result, and does not decide whether the small residue was genuine, it is probable that his residue was really of a different kind from the main bulk of the "phlogisticated air," and contained the gas afterwards named argon. In 1849 the Illinois legislature demanded that its representatives and senators should vote for the prohibition of slavery in the Mexican cession, but next year this sentiment in Illinois had grown much weaker, and, both there and in Congress, Douglas's name was soon to become identified with the so-called " popular sovereignty " or " squatter sovereignty " theory, previously enunciated by Lewis Cass, by which each territory was to be left to decide for itself whether it should or should not have slavery. The foreign deputies were invited to attend, only to assist by their advice in the settlement of a controversy which concerned the Netherland church alone, and which the Netherland church alone could decide. she asked herself, and passed in review all those whom Pierre most respected. it became necessary to decide for the attack on Italy in order to prevent the collapse of Austria-Hungary.". CK 1 2648393 Tom chose to stay. It is enough to decide that the ark represented in some way or other the presence of Yahweh and that the safety of his followers depended upon its security (analogies in Frazer, Paus. Worse, he might decide he didn't want a wife or children. In the domain of history we have first the old Sienese chronicles, which down to the 14th century are so confused that it is almost impossible to disentangle truth from fiction or even to decide the personality of the various authors. CK 1 2256868 Choose your weapon. 2. He had to make a decision on the spot. In a subject like economics it must always be very difficult to decide how far a departure from the traditional form and. In the case of a money bill rejected by the Senate a joint sitting to decide its fate may be held in the same session in which the Senate has failed to pass the bill. 2103 more results not shown. determined example sentences. 2 There are many simple, yet delicious, vegan recipe ideas for every meal of the day appealing to every appetite, from eggless breakfast recipe s, vegan lunch and dinner recipe s, plus recipe s for snacks, side dishes and desserts. The study of Oriental languages began in connexion with the Christian missions of the East; Raymond Lull, the indefatigable missionary, induced the council of Vienne to decide on the creation of six schools of Oriental languages in Europe (13 I I). So far I don't think I have a problem, but I have to consider those other ranchers when I decide how many wolves this land can support. In the few cases where he had to decide, he acted under the influence of his brother Abu Ja`far. Our Sentences for Kids activity is a great way to introduce your younger learners to sentence structure and vocabulary in a fun and easy way. Its function is to examine criminal cases and to decide whether they shall be referred for trial to the lower courts or the cours dassises. CK 1 2648394 Tom chose to quit. This court consists of a judge of the Supreme Court, who shall decide all questions of law and of fact, and of the archbishop, who gives judgment. use "decide" in a sentence They couldn't decide whether to have chocolate or vanilla ice cream. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adverbs: " We need to eventually decide on a vacation spot. mixed-up kid, never could decide whether I was a Mod, Rocker or Hippy. 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