Watch the video to learn more about expanded noun phrases. The idea here is to pick someone in the picture and say “Can you find the smiling, strong man? What Is an Expanded Noun Phrase? Who do we think the man could be and why would he be in the village? Can you match the correct description to the character? You could replace Joan with a group of words (a phrase) and say, "I met your sister." For example: a … Everyone loves a bit of Where’s Wally?, and giving the kids a reason to scour the detailed pages in class certainly won’t feel like work, so this idea is sure to go down a treat. The minimal content of a noun phrase is the head word (the noun) and potentially a determiner. The more detail we add by expanding the noun phrases, the more interesting the writing. An expanded noun phrase is a descriptive phrase made up of a noun as well as one or more adjectives. If more than one adjective is used to describe the noun, they are usually separated by a comma. Anything else added (pre-/post-modifiers, complements, etc.) So we call it a noun phrase. Should we buy the yellow house? Therefore, “noun phrase” structures can be composed of just a name or a structure formed by various words coming together. If more than one adjective is used to describe the noun, they are usually separated by a comma. As good a place to start as any, the BBC Bitesize page for expanded noun phrases takes students through the basics of noun, noun phrase and expanded noun phrase in a clear manner before tasking them to highlight the expanded noun phrases in an example passage. In a noun phrase, the other words will be modifying a noun. Year 6 have been using ‘Expanded Noun Phrases’ to convey complicated information concisely. Noun Phrases that need Expanding: The alien – The green alien; the one-eyed, green alien in the spaceship; the smelly, angry alien. Christmas Activities: Five Festive Ideas for your Classroom. A noun phrase is comprised of a noun and additional words help to further describe that noun. Expanded noun phrases tell you more about the noun. Prepositional phrases These are phrases that contain a preposition , for example: on the mat, … Teacher Personalities You Meet in Every School! A frequently-asked question when discussing Kindergarten to first-grade is what are expanded noun phrases? Your sister is a phrase (a group of words without a finite verb), and it functions as a noun in the sentence. Then, as a writing activity, children come up with their own descriptions for characters in the pictures for their friends to use in order to find them. Karen lives in the yellow house. Expanded noun phrase examples The big brown bear They are there to add more detail to a noun. makes it an expanded noun phrase. Step 1: Free Year 3 Noun Phrases Homework Extension Year 3 Autumn Block 1. Can you match the correct description to the character? NP - “a man” Exp. A note to parents: An expanded noun phrase gives more detail or information about a noun in a simple noun phrase. Add a noun to modify Add adjectives to modify Add a prepositional phrase to Examples of noun phrase as object of preposition: Jeff rode on a skate board. One of Pearson’s free sample resources happens to be this worksheet on expanding noun phrases. Their function is to give the reader more insight or description of an object, place or person.If more than one adjective is used to describe the noun, they are usually separated by a comma. 4 | Expanded noun phrases for year 2 This page from The Mum Educates asks “what is an expanded noun phrase?” and runs through an example of describing a picture of an alien by expanding the basic noun phrase ‘an alien’ into something more exciting, like ‘the little, one-eyed alien’. The boy finished third in the race, just seconds behind his friend. Would you like to live in the quiet road? Word bank provided. Clicking on an educational song on YouTube is always a bit of a gamble. It includes helpful terminology, activities and ideas for spotting expanded noun phrases in reading and and using them in writing. What Are Some Expanded Noun Phrases Examples? Additional noun phrases examples (the noun phrase is in bold): Alliterations: Definition, Examples and Activities for Primary Schools. World Book Day – 8 easy World Book Day ideas for primary teachers, Writing genres KS2 – Use a colour wheel to help pupils blend different genres, Teacher mental health – Advice for surviving these challenging times of Covid and lockdowns, Design and technology – How to design your primary curriculum, Julia Knight, International teacher and vice principal, Caroline Aldous-Goodge, Teacher of art and design, head of year and education researcher, PowerPoint to try expanding noun phrases as a class, Newspaper report KS2 English lesson plan – Roald Dahl’s BFG, Maths games for KS2 – Recap equivalent fractions in KS2 by getting active, VISO TeacherView: Consolidate Your Remote Classroom Management Technology, Tips for Great Persuasive Writing – Display sheet for KS3 and KS4 English, The silent tapping technique and nattylala – NLP and EFT wellness techniques for teachers, Team GB and Aldi recruit Kevin the Carrot to inspire healthy eating in schools with their latest secondary resources, Enthralling, phonetically decodable readers from BookLife Publishing, Building excitement – What schools can gain from a visit to LEGOLAND Windsor Resort, EVERFI launches new courses on online safety and STEM careers for secondary students. A noun phrase refers to words that work the same way as a noun.A noun phrase features a noun, pronoun, and other modifiers.In this case, a pronoun is used in place of a noun, and it could either be an indefinite pronoun or a subject pronoun. This can then be expanded with an adjective: 'the tall girl' is a simple expanded noun phrase. 'the tall, wooden gate' or 'a warm, milky hot chocolate'. Expanded Noun Phrases are a great way of adding interest into writing. Use this as a Grammar starter to a literacy lesson. When we look at the structure of writing, we treat a noun phrase the same way we treat a common noun. Holocaust Memorial Day takes place on 27 January with the theme 'Be the light in... Blended learning – How one school was ahead of the curve with Covid lockdown. As it’s a Phrase there is no verb involved. A noun phrase obviously has a noun. Meet it: I can describe a noun with more than one adjective (expanded noun phrase) Beat it: I can explain what a preposition is. Rewrite the sentence below using expanded noun phrases. If you want to try the quiz in School, it is on display outside the Year 6 classroom. An expanded noun phrase is a descriptive clause normally made up of a noun as well as one or more adjectives. Also Know, what is an expanded noun phrases Year 4? the teacher expanded to: the strict maths teacher with curly hair)”, Relative Pronouns – A Detailed Guide for Teachers, Possessive Pronouns for Primary Schools Teachers. An adjective is a word that describes a noun. Too hard? Year 6 have been using ‘Expanded Noun Phrases’ to convey complicated information concisely. In their most simplistic form, when taught in first-grade, expanded noun phrases are made up of one noun and at least one adjective. Free Year 3 Noun Phrases Homework Extension provides additional questions which can be used as homework or an in-class extension for the Year 3 Noun Phrases Resource Pack.These are differentiated for Developing, Expected and Greater Depth. Test Underline the expanded noun phrases in the example sentences and tick the sentences which include an expanded noun phrase. There are five activities in all: ‘I went to the supermarket’, ‘Pick a card, any card’, ‘Before and after’, ‘A picture speaks a thousand words’ and ‘One word will do’. The quality can vary wildly, shall we say. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Conditions. This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using expanded noun phrases. Celebrate Harry Potter Book Night by imagining you are journalists reporting on a magical story. Expanded noun phrase examples The big brown bear The little, run … They have created a quiz by using ‘Expanded Noun Phrases’ to describe well known characters. Smash it: I can use a preposition to give detail to my description Typically, adjectives are added, separated by commas, to describe the noun and create the noun phrase. 4b. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Covid 19 – What positives from the pandemic can schools take? They name people, animals, places or things. A noun phraseis a group of words that work together to name and describe a person, place, thing, or idea. Below is a video by the BBC explaining sentences, clauses and phrases. Examples of noun phrase as direct object: I want a skate board. A wet morning. A noun phrase, or nominal (phrase), is a phrase that has a noun (or indefinite pronoun) as its head or performs the same grammatical function as a noun. An expanded noun phrase gives much more detail than a simple noun phrase, for example: A teacher A helpful, friendly maths teacher A helpful, friendly maths teacher with a fluffy moustache Add a noun to modify Add adjectives to modify Add a prepositional phrase to give extra details Noun phrase. (Anon) (In this example, there is a noun phrase within a noun phrase. Conjunctions – What They Are & 12 Easy Classroom Games. Explain Explain in your own words how to make an expanded noun phrase. Examples of noun phrase - Tom Cruise, my favorite actor, is the hero of the movie. Step 5: Expanded Noun Phrases National Curriculum Objectives: English Year 5: (5G3.2) Using expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely Differentiation: Questions 1, 4 and 7 (Application) Developing Add adjectives to create an expanded noun phrase within a given simple or compound sentence. Adverbials – What They Are & 6 Great Ideas for the Classroom, Teaching Conjunctions | 12 Activities for the Classroom. “The angry man drove the loud car down the quiet road.”. Team GB and Aldi recruit Kevin the Carrot to inspire healthy eating in schools with their latest primary resources, Books for topics – Learn about migrants with this wordless picturebook, Holocaust Memorial Day 2021 – 12 of the best teaching resources for Primary and Secondary, Harry Potter Book Night – Write a magical newspaper report. Write your sentence again using different adjectives. Min. This is usually done by adding adjectives to describe the noun in the noun phrase, for example: She walked through the dark, mysterious forest. The tall and handsome professor. An expanded noun phrase gives much more detail than a simple noun phrase, for example: A temple Themonumental, ancient Greek temple The monumental, ancient Greek temple with Doric columns and marble sculptures towered over the city. Students are supposed to know the term “noun phrase” and more importantly know it helps their creative writing by adding interest. The worksheets are divided into 5 different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions. It includes some short, simple activities for students, such as asking them to expand the sentence “The man opened the door” to make it into something suitable for a horror story, and changing the noun phrases “The lonely boy stumbled into the dark room” to alter its mood. A noun phrase is comprised of a noun and additional words help to further describe that noun. The Five Times Table: 5 Great Activities for Your Classroom. So if a Phrase had a verb it would be a clause. This page from The Mum Educates asks “what is an expanded noun phrase?” and runs through an example of describing a picture of an alien by expanding the basic noun phrase ‘an alien’ into something more exciting, like ‘the little, one-eyed alien’. The above video may be from a third-party source. Many school districts have used a patchwork... Migrants by Issa Watanabe is a hauntingly beautiful picturebook about a challenging journey through a dark landscape. OK, can you find the tall, strong, smiling man with a blue hat and an axe?”. You and your child can see how to make expanded noun phrases using these examples: A house (house is the noun) A haunted house The best way to make your children rockstars at times tables, spelling, and more! Don't forget to try the activities and quiz below to test what you've learned! These fabulous expanded noun phrases display posters contain many expanded noun phrases examples to act as the perfect visual reminder on a literacy working wall to help children whilst writing. For a wonderful bumper pack on expanded noun phrases, you could also take a look at our Year 2: What Is an Expanded Noun Phrase? Would the people in the village be pleased to see him? What do we think is happening in this sentence? the teacher expanded to: the strict maths teacher with curly hair)”. A Noun Phrase is simply a phrase that includes a noun. Team GB and Aldi recruit Kevin the Carrot to inspire healthy eating in schools with their latest primary resources Aldi, EVERFI launches new courses on financial education and compassion for primary pupils EVERFI, Dealing with interruptions to teaching – What Oak has learned and the months ahead Oak National Academy, Closing the Learning Gap in English Dandelion Learning, Primary resources that make teaching easier Discovery Education. So if your noun phrase is 'the cat', then an expanded phrase might be 'the brown cat'. Catch up Premium: An Ultimate Guide to the Government’s Intervention Plan for the SLT, 11 Times Tables – Videos, Songs, & Activities for the Classroom, Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA)- A Guide for Primary School Teachers, Top Education Blogs – Our Emile Blog Named as One of the Top Education Blogs in the UK, The cheeky monkey climbed on top of the car, The alien – The green alien; the one-eyed, green alien in the spaceship; the smelly, angry alien, The gem – The shiny gem; the tiny, sparkly gem; the huge, knowledge gem, The viking – The viking warrior; the armed, large viking with the big sword; the peaceful, friendly viking, The tree – the green, large tree; the intimidating, dark tree; the huge, dominating tree. Expanded noun phrases with prepositions. In the classroom, children might be asked to look at noun phrases and turn them into expanded noun phrases, for example changing 'the black dog' to 'the big, furry black dog'. A few examples include: “the desk”, “a desk”, “his desk”, “on the desk”, “the clean, shiny desk”, “my last desk”, “the desk in my office”, “my desk and your desk”, “mine and your desk”, and “very stable and colourful desk”. Example of noun phrase as indirect object: Lisa gave the little boy a candy. A frequently-asked question when discussing KS1 and KS2 SPaG is what are expanded noun phrases? Noun phrases are extremely common. Anything that adds more description to the noun… The day => The beautiful day => The beautiful, warm and sunny day The dog => The hairy dog => The hairy and smelly dog The boy sat down => The brown haired boy sat down And so on… In Year 4: “Noun phrases expanded by the addition of modifying adjectives, nouns and preposition phrases (e.g. An example of an expanded noun phrase with a preposition would be: 'She ate a bowl of delicious, ice-cold, strawberry ice-cream with some succulent, red strawberries'. Ask most parents or teachers and they’ll tell you the move to a hybrid learning setting has been a little rough. A Noun phrase is a group of words performing the task of a noun. It roughly runs paragraph > sentence > clause > phrase. The viking – The viking warrior; the armed, large viking … An expanded noun phrase adds more detail to the noun by adding one or more adjectives. It also includes some associated modifiers. A lovely long drink. The first simply provides a range of images for children to write expanded noun phrases about. Remember that a noun with any sort of modifier (including just a number or an article) is a noun phrase. The second activity gets children to think carefully about nouns, phrases, expanded noun phrases and sentences by building them step by step. There’s a PowerPoint to try expanding noun phrases as a class and then there are two printable PDF activities – one on describing dragons and one for writing about animals. What Is a Noun Phrase? Apply Imagine that you are at the fair shown in the example picture and write a passage to describe what it is like, adding extra detail by including expanded noun phrases in some of your … How to build some extra detail into things you're writing about. Tes Global Ltd is registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion Square London WC1R 4HQ. The gem – The shiny gem; the tiny, sparkly gem; the huge, knowledge gem. Make sure your assessment is effective with these expert insights. For example: You could say, "I met Joan." What Is an Expanded Noun Phrase? Are the arts making a comeback in schools? You can use expanded noun phrase examples in everyday situations and when describing almost anything. Typically, adjectives are added, separated by commas, to describe the noun and create the noun phrase So instead of the noun phrase “the man”, an expanded noun phrase might be “the, “Noun phrases expanded by the addition of modifying adjectives, nouns and preposition phrases (e.g. Celebrate Harry Potter Book Night by imagining you are journalists reporting on a magical story. This worksheet features a set of teaching tips and ideas to help aid the teaching of expanding sentences through the addition of noun phrases, adjectives and adverbs. Across its pages walk more than 30 species of animals and birds, each... Migrants by Issa Watanabe is a hauntingly beautiful picturebook about a challenging journey through a dark landscape. Noun Phrases turn up in two places in the National Curriculum: In Year 2: “Expanded noun phrases for description and specification [for example, the blue butterfly, plain flour, the man in the moon]”. 4 | Expanded noun phrases for year 2. Here are some more examples of noun phrases: The best defense against the atom bomb is not to be there when it goes off. Black and white socks. This Prezi presentation helps explain how expanded noun phrases can be used to convey complicated information concisely. The types of Noun phrase include Appositive Phrase, Infinitive Phrase, Gerund Phrase. Noun phrases are very common cross-linguistically, and they may be the most frequently occurring phrase type.. Noun phrases often function as verb subjects and objects, as predicative expressions and as the complements of prepositions. A Phrase is a group of words that don’t include a verb. Examples: man dog forest car building race Expanded noun phrases add extra detail and information about the noun in a sentence. Comparatives and Superlatives for Primary School Teachers, Noun Phrases Expanded – Everything a Teacher (or Parent) Needs to Know. An indefinite pronoun refers to a pronoun that does not specify a particular place, person, or thing. Resource Pack! A few examples include: “a desk”, “on the desk”, “the clean, shiny desk”, “my last desk”, “the desk in my office”, “my desk and your desk”, “mine and your desk”, “very stable and colourful desk”, “writing easily”, “needing a rest”, “for 12 months a year”. This pack is designed to work alongside our GPS Scheme of Work for Autumn Block 1. The modifiers that accompany a noun can be adjectives, participial phrases, infinitive phrases or prepositional phrases. English Example Sentences, 20 Sentences of Noun Phrase 20 Sentences of Noun Phrase One of the most important aspects to understand an English sentence is to understand the “noun phrase” structures in that sentence. Let’s look at a simple, boring sentence: “The man drove the car down the road.” Technically it’s fine but not very interesting. Noun Phrases Expanded appear in Year 2 and Year 4 of the National curriculum and are a great way of improving writing. Expanded noun phrases are ones that contain additional describing words, or adjectives. An expanded noun phrase is a phrase made up of a noun and at least one adjective. An expanded noun phrase gives much more detail than a simple noun phrase, for example: A house A derelict, old country house A derelict, old country house with boarded and broken windows Add a noun to modify Add adjectives to modify Add a prepositional phrase to give extra details A PowerPoint resource to introduce children (aimed at Year 2) to expanded noun phrases. Here is our song about expanded noun phrases using adjectives before the noun and prepositions after the noun. What Is an Expanded Noun Phrase? Rewrite the sentence below using expanded noun phrases. If you want to try the quiz in School, it is on display outside the Year 6 classroom. Like all nouns, a noun phrase can be a subject, object, or complement. “The angry, big man drove the loud, sports car down the quiet, village road.”. What are examples of expanded noun phrases? In the sentence above, 'girl' is a noun; 'the girl' is a simple noun phrase. Your primary school child will need to understand how to use expanded noun phrases, particularly those in Year 4 and above. They have created a quiz by using ‘Expanded Noun Phrases’ to describe well known characters. This Prezi presentation helps explain how expanded noun phrases can be used to convey complicated information concisely. In this sentence the word Joan is a noun. Examples are given below. NP - “an annoying man who never stops complaining” Is the man nice? Typically, adjectives are added, separated by commas, to describe the noun and create the noun phrase. Step 5: Expanded Noun Phrases Year 6 Resource Pack includes a teaching PowerPoint and differentiated varied fluency and application and reasoning resources. Challenge your children to use describing words (adjectives) to create expanded noun phrases when talking, e.g. If one or more adjectives are listed to describe the noun, a comma should be added to separate the sentence. In their most simplistic form, when taught in Year 2, expanded noun phrases are made up of one noun and at least one adjective. One may also ask, what is an expanded noun phrases Year 4? So it was with great pleasure to find this punky ditty that features a bunch of good examples of expanded noun phrases that use adjectives before the nouns and prepositions after them. This article runs through expanding noun phrases and includes three downloadable activities to try in class. How to Teach Prepositions and Some Class Activities, 7 Easy Activities to Help Teach Connectives in the Classroom, Determiners for Teachers, Parents and Learners. Johnny picked up his rucksack and prepared himself for the hike. Let’s expand the noun phrases “the man”, “the car” and “the road”. Expanded Noun Phrases Expanded Noun Phrases 4a. It includes some short, simple activities for students, such as asking them to expand the sentence “The man opened the door” to make it into something suitable for a horror story, and changing the noun phrases “The lonely boy stumbled into the dark room” to alter its mood. This can then be expanded with an adjective: 'the tall girl' is a simple expanded noun phrase. A Comprehensive Guide to Antonyms for Teachers with over 200 Examples. A couple of activities for year 2 on expanded noun phrases. Fluency and application and reasoning resources Spelling is an expanded noun phrases expanded – Everything a teacher or... 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