Question 4. Question 5. We get detailed pen-portraits of these friends. So. you know! In these early novels, we also see the development of Narayan as a writer, as he makes his way to the more mature and confident vision of the later novels. Narayan also gently laughs at the world in which Swami lives. He was raging in anger and wanted to break his bones. Answer: and talked on a number of subjects as trains, tiger-hunting, police, ghosts, their friends and their teachers. He was a very good student too. R.K.Narayan does a wonderful job in bringing out his emotional pysche. As Swami sits on the table in his room he finds that he had a lot of homework to do and only two hours for doing it. Who challenged Mani’s authority? Swami’s final close friend is Samuel, who is known as “ the Pea ” because he is small and unremarkable. Parents’ behaviour is usually changed during this period. Imagine yourself as Swaminathan. (M.P Board 2015) The second and third books in Why did Swaminathan find his brother more interesting as he grew up? A fierce fight between Mani and Somu followed. Question 6. He wore shoes, socks, and tie. Most Englishmen and the natives certainly seem to do so in his novels, such as Mr Retty (Swami and Friends) and Matheison (Waiting for the Mahatma). He again came back. The novel, first intended for a very young audience, later expanded into a universal one, for its simple narrative and depiction of colonial India. The temptation of Brabmin killed him. An equivocal situation, which provides two different meanings, one plausible and the other real, is a good example. Question 7. What provoked Swaminathan to slap the Pea? It was disappointing. Question 2. However later he thought that it must have had one, as the question said. What impressive things did Rajam tell them about friendship? Swami warns him to be careful for his father is the Superintendent of Police. However, this was not true Swami did not tried to talk him but Rajam came to him asking for a sharpner. Give reasons for your answer. He said that there is no need to buy anything as everything was available there. Then, he talked to his Granny. There was a poor Brahmin. Answer: He carne back and began preparing towards that direction. In this chapter, we are introduced to Swami, the central figure in the novel. Sometimes, they misuse this liberty. It is Monday morning,and Swami hates Mondays, for it means activity, discipline and work, after his enjoyment on Saturday and Sunday. He is a student at Albert Mission School, a school established by the British which gives importance to Christianity, English literature and education. Swami had respect for Mani. ‘Is it? The three of them became close friends and became part of each other’s inner circle. The work was the first novel ever published by the famous Indian author R. K. Narayan.Narayan's friend, Graham Greene, recommended his manuscript to a publisher, and it was finally published by Hamish Hamilton in 1935. He told that once when Rajam’s father was camping in a forest, Rajam was also with him. How did Rajam entertain his friends at his house? The other end is Mani who is rough, untamed, naive, emotional and yet loyal. Sankar was lost to the world with his let shoulder against the wall. He learns that he had indeed missed the cricket match, which he took such pains to practice for. It is followed by the scripture period and the teacher, Ebenezar, is a fanatic Christian. Swami and Friends is the first novel of the trilogy that is set in the fictional town of Malgudi. What were the similarities between Swaminathan and Samuel, the Pea? Mani stunned from the whole event saw that Pea was enjoying the whole scene from the comer with mischievous eyes. The town is said to be a fictional one – Malgudi. Somebody had written ‘Tail’ on the blackboard in huge letters. Misunderstanding and mistaken identity also cause the humour of situation. Answer: Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: Question 1. Write about the four persons who were Swami’s friends. 5. He knew what they had done was out of jealousy and enmity among themselves. Swami and Friends opens with the five- or six-year-old Swami going off to school at the Albert Mission School, which his father has picked with great care because he wants Swami to get an English education so that he can have a good government position in the Indian Civil Service, like his own. Narayan R. K. Swami and Friends. Swami and Friends (1935), Narayan’s first novel, is remarkable for his understanding of child psychology and for his depiction of the buoyant world of school boys in a realistic and convincing manner. It took only a minute to answer it. His novels are known for their ‘deftly etched characters, his uniquely stylized language and his wry sense of humor’. The absence of criticism on the colonial system maybe also due to the fact that Narayan simply believed the colonizer and the colonized could live together in harmony, benefiting each other. However, his words had some effect on his son when he warned him that if he failed, his juniors would become his classmates and his friends would become his seniors, and would no longer like to mix up with him. Why was Swaminathan cold and reserve to his mother when he was taken to her room? When he came to school, the next day he told his friend the Pea about it. Swami came out of the exam-hall twenty minutes before the time. Swami acted as the chord of communication between the two. Rajam gave an eloquent lecture on those who nourish jealousy and enmity with others. How did Mani contemplate taking revenge cm Somu, Sankar and the Pea? Answer: RK Narayan started his prolific writing career with this novel Swami and Friends written in 1935. He was a brilliant student. As they had closed their eyes, they did not see that Somu, Sanker, and Pea were there. Answer the following questions in about 150 wards each. He has rather directed his creativity at depicting the life of the people at the time. Do you approve of Rajam’s behaviour with the cook? Clips — 3-6-12 They were playing some games. Swaminathan found Shankar, Somu and other resting under a tamarind tree. The most trivial and unnoticeable things to others would tickle them to death. How did they behave with him? Mani and Swaminathan were good friends. He got his and his toe began bleeding heavily. The novel Swami and Friends is an episodic narrative that follows the daily life of Swaminatharian, a charismatic and lazy schoolboy, in the fictional South Indian town of Malgudi with his father, mother, and granny. There is nothing uncommon about him, for he is neither a good student nor physically remarkable. Answer: The novel registers all the small confusions and dislocations of the child reaching the end of an idyllic childhood and facing the grave tasks of adulthood. He was six months old now and was charming. Answer: Swami is a student of the First Form (Section.A). While Swami sincerely and innocently believes in the sanctity of his friendship with Rajam, Rajam remains aloof and impersonal. Swami wanted to create a good impression on his friend, who was a VIP, the son of a Superintendent of Police. He also hoped that the boys would not waste their time but read story-books and keep glancing through the books prescribed for their next classes to which it was hoped they would be pornoted. They destroy the school property and make fun by teasing all those who come in their way. He gets marks as high as ninety per cent and can answer any question put to him. At school, everybody seemed “to be overwhelmed by the thought of the examinations.” His friends hardly exchanged even a few words with him, they were so busy with their preparations. The novel, Narayan's first, is set in British India in a fictional town called Malgudi. If Mani jabbed, Rajam jabbed; if Mani clouted, he clouted; if Mani kicked, he kicked. When Swami told her about Rajam she began telling him about his grandfather. He wanted to talk to them and crack jokes but he was helpless. He nibbled his pencil and re-read the list. Though the clerk did not say anything clearly, Mani thought it right and prepared accordingly It is not right for a good student, It is unjustified. Swami felt most wretched, isolated and unhappy. Somu sided with Sankar and Pea, and Mani stood up for Swami. Only, the cook did not change his dhoti and appeared before Swarni’s hero, in the same old dhoti. Mani and Swaminathan wanted to play a prank on Rajam. The humour of situation and character represent the higher forms of humour. ‘Swaminathan broke into loud protestation.’ What were the protestations? Question 1. Board 2012) Board 2009) In this way, the prank had turned upon themselves. Theme Of A Tiger For Malgudi 805 Words | 4 Pages. He saw the infants dabbling in wet clay and trying to shape models. With Master Manjunath, Girish Karnad, Vaishali Kasaravalli, Raghuram Sitaram. Discuss the irony and humor present in the novel. In the final analysis, Swami and Friends is more than the story of a child. They want that their son/daughter to learn all the things so that he/she does not escape anything but it is not possible in a day. After the headmaster’s speech the assembly was dispersed. Like Swami most children – even today- attend schools that do not nourish their heritage and culture, throughout the world including the US. The novel is set in pre-independence days in India, in a fictional town – Malgudi, which has almost become a real place in India today, due to the wide recognition and popularity of Narayan’s many novels. The apparent discontinuity of narration at places serves to enhance, rather than dispel, the overall effect. His face was radiant with intelligence. ( Log Out /  The second and third books in the trilogy are The Bachelor of … He cleaned the table and arranged his books so neatly that his father was surprised. Rajam, too, put some awkward questions: 2011, 2022) He was feeling uncomfortable. Bhopal (MJ) Answer: He is a spontaneous, impulsive, mischievous and yet a very innocent child. Board 2015) When he was taken to her room, he found her lying weak and pale on the bed. Answer: This was done by inviting all of them to his house, giving them a lecture on friendship, and offering them attractive gifts if they became friends once again. B. What did the Headmaster ask the students to do during the vacation? No one call him a good student. R.K.Narayan’s first short novel, Swami and Friends, also provides the setting for his later novels and short stories, Malgudi. Some Of the instances of his rapport with his granny is seen when he talks.with her. She had been in bed for two days. Answer: Swami and Friends is the first of a trilogy of novels written by R. K. Narayan (1906–2001), English language novelist from India. Swami was watching him keenly. After exchanging some units of messages, they finally came to the point to prove their might at the river near Nallappa’s grove. Answer: How was the showdown between Mani and Rajam fixed? He then proceeded to give them a long lecture on the value of friendship, and the infinite torture to which those who harbour ennuty are subjected in Hell. The Brahmin, at first, declined the offer saying that the tiger is after all a tiger. First, he said that a boy in first stabbed another out of enmity Next he said that the headmaster knocked his toe against the door post. It was said that he had come from some English boys school somewhere in Madras. Mani cried to bring the turban of Singarani the school peon to dye in the ink. He can easily break the neck of those with it who offended him. Describe the spirit of liberty which the students were enjoying after the examination (M.P. Question 3. Question 1. Mani didn’t like Rajam. He was known to be chummy even with the teachers. The head master came to the spot and easily parted the two boys and thus put an end to the fight. Then comes the History period, and the teacher is Dr Pillai. They were much amazed to see the large room of Rajam with his books arranged neatly on a big table, with a time-piece. ‘Do you read such books?’ he asked, eyeing the big gilt- edged law books on the table. Lost in thought, he fell asleep. To Narayan, Rajam’s ways and thinking are different, much like the “Europeans.” Rajam in his superiority does not feel he owes anybody explanations or farewells. And also disturbing. The grandmother was a garrulous lady and liked to talk about events in the distant past. Question 3. This attitude of Rajam’s is akin to that of the colonizer who came, conquered, made drastic changes in the lives of Indians and then left just as abruptly as he had come, leaving chaos behind. Rajam was a new student. In order to hide his humiliation, he told his friends that he kicked the Cook for his impertinence and at the time he was lying unconscious in the kitchen. On a Saturday afternoon Rajam had promised to visit Swami’s house. The upshot was that the two suddenly decided to be friends quite against the expectations of the others. Henry Bergson applies the techniques of repetition, inversion and reciprocal interference of series. He always wanted to be cordial and friendly with everyone. Mani was more concerned about it. It is full of humor and irony. To the end, Swami cannot understand the difference and hence the pathos in the final scene. Question 6. Answer: Question 4. In order to settle the matter Mani took the boy to a secluded place. the boys broke more bottles of ink on the ground. Question 4. Swami read at the top of his voice the poem about a woolly sheep. So, he slapped them on the face. What did Swaminathan tell his grandmother about Rajam? So, he came near his baby brother’s cradle. He was also thinking what would happen if Rajam’s body was found or if he would come to take revenge as a spirit. Swami and Friends was the first novel by R.K.Narayan ( Rasipuram Krishnaswami Iyer Narayanaswami ), one of the famous Indian writer in English, contemporary of Mulk Raj Anand and Raja Rao. Rajam said impressive things about friendship, quoting from his book the story of the dying old man and the faggots which proved that union was strength. Mani was the leader of the jubilant team of the boys. The parents and teachers do not allow them any extra time for any other activities other than studies but as the examination gets over, the students become excessive joyous by jubilation. Such practices should be banned. Swami admired Rajam and was much impressed by his carefree conduct, manners, and by his brilliance as a student. Question 4. This chapter introduces us to a newcomer to the class, Rajam. Swami is not a good student but his life at school is not entirely unhappy for he has four good friends. (M.P. This conclusion was much to the relief of Swami, for he admired Rajam and wanted to be friends with him. They knocked at the door of Rajam’s room and as soon as he opened the door, they pretended to be a blind kitten and a blind puppy and crawled into the room as such. I think what Mani did to know the questions from the school clerk was not good., When he knew that the clerk had the idea about the questions he went to meet him. Answer: (M.P. (M.P Board 2015) Describe Swaminathan’s state of mind when Sankar, Somu and others stopped talking to him.(M.P. Swami and Friends is the first of a trilogy of novels written by RK Narayan, a celebrated English novelist from India. The paradoxes of pre-independence India, the alternating aloof and passionate nature of the people, the confusions that encompass the mind of a child in such a volatile environment: all those things are brought out beautifully. The fight stopped for a moment when the teacher entered but a moment later,they left the class, to fight it out in the fields adjoining the school. Swami is fascinated by him and is friendly with him. Humour and laughter are the greatest virtues that God has bestowed on man. He hovered about uncertainty. Answer: How one can change one’s nature! 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