Company number: 1755588 VAT number: 199440621, Those who promulgate CLIL and those who write about it seem to have agreed on a basic division of the approach into two camps: one in which the teaching and learning is focused, A language-driven approach would envisage foreign language classes (for example) using more content than is typical of such programmes, or using didactic units which made greater use of subject-based content. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is an approach where students learn a subject and a second language at the same time. It’s designed to get students familiar with foreign vocabulary in a fun, friendly, totally approachable way. This way, instead of being an unnerving exercise, this can actually be a confidence-building one. They’re your partners in education and they’ll work as hard as you do. Quite apart from the above, the basic flaw in language teaching seems to reside in the fact that its conceptual content – topics, themes, stories – all of which can occur in a wide range of media, are subordinated to the underlying linguistic objective. You'll need to be taking all these elements into consideration. This would extend to the didactic materials, which are likely to have been designed for L1 (native) speakers. As long as I get the 2, There may be a thematic connection between the three, but when we reach Chapter Four and 'Saving the Rain Forests' we struggle to see the connection. Practice these CLIL teaching techniques in your language classes! So if you study The Romans in Britain in History what might you expect on the course menu? They must decide which planets are being referred to. Let's take the first one about changing their methodological approach. These objectives will condition the assessment procedures – a topic we will explore in more detail in the next article. With CLIL ( Content and Language Integrated Learning ), students learn various subjects like history, art, science and math in a foreign language. It is this kind of iteration, going back and forth between the original, target language material and the translated bit, that’s most effective for students. Without this, it's difficult to accept that a teacher or learner is CLIL-ing. This is also a good way of encouraging students to come out of their shells. Quite simply, it is the teaching of subjects to students through the use of a target language—that is, a language different from their mother tongue. Maintain flexible hours? View mode: List view Grid view. People seem to learn rather well in this way, with one thing following another in a logical sequence. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to What does that mean exactly? CLIL worksheets CLIL is content-driven, and this is where it both extends … Obviously a lot more can be said about a CLIL lesson, but this is the start. I hope you use them every time you’re looking to teach subjects in a language class, and I wish you good luck! Kay Bentley questions and explores the role of TKT: CLIL in the professional education sphere. This is because the nature of language is horribly complex, and the nature of its acquisition even more so. Well, just because you need to be understood doesn’t mean you immediately resort to direct translation. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, Get regular language learning tips, resources and updates, starting with the "Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion" e-book, Sign up for our weekly blog newsletter for a chance to win a free FluentU Plus subscription (value $240). In addition, repeating words or phrases gives students the chance for auditory practice. There are many examples of this in the past and the present of world education. But for the purposes of this second article, let's conclude by looking at the really powerful three-way combination of elements that CLIL enables. Keith Kelly looks at examples of language used in making conclusions and findings from the area of science, categorized by nouns, verbs, word groups and prepositions. Thanks for subscribing! If you’re teaching Italian, maybe you can talk about the subject of religion and teach a prayer or two in the target language. What’s important is that you let the students experience what it’s like conversing, interacting and conveying a message in the target language. How easy is this to do? A two-minute presentation is really more than enough. Oh yes. Those who promulgate CLIL and those who write about it seem to have agreed on a basic division of the approach into two camps: one in which the teaching and learning is focused primarily on the subject content, and the other in which the teaching and learning is focused primarily on language. In the past teachers have delivered lessons in art, history, social studies and health. The objective could be written out thus: This is  'Content & Language Integrated Learning', where all the three crucial elements of education are working in harmony. Consider, for example, the principal problem of language teaching. In a German class where the subject is food, you’d have to repeat saying Mund (mouth) in different contexts for the students to really understand that you mean mouth. Of course, a glance at the contents page and the teacher's guide will reveal the underlying linguistic links, but the student may not be aware of them. He does not know the names of the planet(s) he is reading about. When you start preparing a lesson you can do a mind-map. When you repeat the crucial words and phrases, you’re giving students multiple chances to get the definition and usage right. Listening to the presentations, you’ll know what elements of the lesson need scaffolding or which students need a little extra support, for example. The first technique involved some auditory elements. Click here to get a copy. Sounds good? Let's take those three 'forced' situations from above, and turn them into a positive and conscious approach to education. The term “CLIL” is generally credited to Professor David Marsh from the University of Jyväskylä, in Finland. Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes store or from the Google Play store to access material on your Android and iOS devices. Type in the word you want to translate, and select the language you want to translate into. CLIL: A lesson framework. Because the medium of instruction is unfamiliar to them, they’ll be forced to use context and their critical thinking skills in order to figure out the meaning of certain words. Onestopenglish is a teacher resource site, part of Macmillan Education, one of the world’s leading publishers of English language teaching materials. In a language textbook it probably lasts two days. As already discussed in the previous section, CL techniques may increase learners’ motivation. I know I said you’d be avoiding traditional linguistic lessons, but sometimes it just needs to be done. FluentU brings language learning to life with real-world videos. You did! For example, if you have an ESL class full of students from China, you’ll teach them subjects but won’t use any Chinese to do so. As a language teacher, you need to ensure that students understand all the crucial vocabulary and concepts in your lessons. However, the term was actually coined by Finnish experts back in 1994. One of the most important skills for learning a language is listening. Give plenty of room for them to engage in activities that offer the chance to practice the target language. By studying subject matter, by Googling translations for words, by wrestling with the reading assignments, projects and coursework, by familiarizing themselves with the language’s associated cultures, your students will inevitably gain competency with the language. But how does one apply that in CLIL, when its immersive nature requires that one use the target language as medium of instruction? With more than 700,000 registered users in over 100 countries around the world, Onestopenglish is the number one resource site for English language teachers, providing access to thousands of resources, including lesson plans, worksheets, audio, video and flashcards. The implications are obvious. CLIL stands for Content and Language Integrated Learning. The next set of three techniques will show that, in spite of wielding the target language, you can still be understood by your students. Plus, FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that your students are learning. This 'trinity' is based on three classroom considerations: The following example sentence (see diagram) is from a CLIL project for 11-12 year old Basque students. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. These plans are the voluntary contributions of teachers. Nobody wants to be 'forced'! This is a very healthy attitude in CLIL, as well as any other type of language teaching and learning. In short, you must give comprehensible inputs. So, for example, a school that favoured total immersion – where the academic (and possibly social) medium is a foreign language – would be operating under a strong version of CLIL. In this article, Phil Ball challenges the idea that CLIL is an ‘umbrella term’ that covers many educational practices. You’ll be using English and only English instead. It is! This category covers the different ways a language teacher can build in her students a stronger understanding of the language. By knowing some of the words beforehand, you’re helping them figure out on their own many other words and concepts that’ll be included in the lesson. Lesson planning in CLIL. They’ll hear their new vocabulary words in context, spoken naturally and casually. The 4Cs Framework. Think about it like this, if you can’t speak, how will you act the lesson in such a way that the last person at back perfectly understands you? Even your eyes can speak. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning. Instead of just using words in a lesson and letting the students figure out the meanings for themselves, you might want to be more direct about what vocabulary is being featured and needs to be learned. If you are not anxious you can be more creative. It lets everyone know that they can handle the target language, that even if they commit mistakes it’s not the end of the world. Now native language content is easily within the reach of any student, at any skill level, thanks to the interactive transcripts. Again, no qualitative distinction is intended, and the two approaches are also sometimes labelled under 'hard' and 'soft'. between CLIL lessons in different countries and even in different schools from the same country, as my research will try to prove. CLIL teachers, on the other hand, do have to make these changes because most of them are not afforded the luxuries that immersion education confers, in terms of contact time. For example, the teachers in the school may simply decide, as a matter of policy, to treat the children as if they were native speakers, and to 'immerse' them in an academic and social context that attempts to simulate, as far as possible, the type of educational conditions and experiences that a native-speaker pupil would expect to undergo. Sort. A good metaphor or a lesson plan is a ROAD MAP. Then, let students come back to the written activity and correct what they missed, armed with a more empowered understanding of the subject. Instead of you waiting for them to figure out that la is used for feminine nouns while el is used for masculine, you directly explain to them gendered nouns in Spanish. Sometimes it’s better to isolate vocabulary that you want students to remember. Good question. I know that CLIL, as a totally immersive experience, is encouraging teachers to use the target language in the conduct of classes, but in instances when you feel giving a direct translation would get students unstuck, then do it. All Rights Reserved. a fill-in-the-blanks questionnaire). The tilting of your head, the way you stand, even when you pump your chest or not, they all help convey meaning. But it probably works because of the enormously extended contact time that the pupils experience in the target language. Third Class:  The early years of the Roman conquest. Multidict allows you to access a number of online dictionaries for a large number of languages. If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to teach languages with real-world videos. Maybe in a French class where you’re teaching history, you might ask students to re-enact pivotal moments in history. Also, bear in mind that a lesson is not a collection of activities. In the next article, we'll look more carefully at the marriage between language and content in CLIL, at how the teacher can use the 'trinity' to his or her advantage, as well as considering some related assessment issues. In a way, you’re giving them a little heads up. Repetition, in different pronunciation speeds, allows the students to fully learn the sounds of the language. Instead, he suggests that CLIL is actually a specific methodological practice and gives his own six-point definition. They haven’t normally been trained … In the aftermath of that activity, you give students another handout, this time in English, that allows them to review and check how much they understood. There are a few key ingredients you need in order to make the effort worthwhile. You can organize chosen videos into “courses,” name your courses and assign them to your students for homework or in-class activities. FYI: This is one of those pages where you should be using the “Bookmark” option in your browser. There’ll be stretches during discussions when it will feel like it’s just you in class. Because you’ve just found a CLIL techniques page, and we all know that’s hard to come by online. The students may well respond – who cares about saving the world? Yes, you will prepare and teach a CLIL lesson on a subject of your choice to our international students. Let's take those three 'forced' situations from above, and turn them into a positive and conscious approach to education. And so on. Teaching CLIL lessons requires more preparation than teaching General English lessons. If you want to download you have to send your own contributions. With the goal of preparing and implementing an engaging CLIL lesson! Math, science, social studies, art, and so on, form part of the young learner curriculum. It’s much more engaging than a class where the teacher just stands on a lectern and monotones away for the next 60 minutes. It all depends on your class and individual students. The content-driven approach means that the subject content is given primary focus. Do you focus ONLY on passing the TKT-CLIL exam? Immersion situations do not force the teachers to change their whole methodological approach, or force them to design their own materials, or force the subject teachers to think more carefully about the crucial role of language in their specialist fields. Speaking in the CLIL classroom. Here, you’ll have to use your whole body to convey nuanced meaning to your students. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages from music videos, commercials, news, inspiring talks, cartoons and more, download the FluentU app from the iTunes store, Literacy in MFL: Teach Your Students to Read, and You’ll Gift Them a Lifetime of Learning. These two approaches are often referred to as 'strong' (content-driven) and 'weak' (language-driven). Download: So if you study, The language of learning across the curriculum. If your language class is Spanish, then you might talk about What would it be like.. Key Take Away. Use images that feature interesting elements, exploding colors and relatable characters. In such a case, the teacher may simply refer the students to their subject teacher or ask them to research the issue on their own. Keith Kelly looks at examples of language used in making generalizations from the area of science; these can be split into three broad groups: quantity, frequency and certainty. This would extend to the didactic materials, which are likely to have been designed for L1 (native) speakers. CLIL Lessons. In the world of subject teaching, concepts are generally presented in horizontal (or vertical) sequences of chronology, complexity or topical relationships. Doing this will allow students to concentrate on your story and not get tripped up by a grammar rule that can be explained very quickly. Adapt existing materials or design their own to fit their particular contexts, Work within a more language-enhanced paradigm. Yes. This is what distinguishes CLIL from language teaching. 190 72274. For example, in a Spanish class where you’re all set to deliver an awesome storytelling session, you might actually go on a very short detour by discussing the definite articles la and el. For example, if the lesson is about food, bringing the ingredients and demonstrating how to slice, dice and toss it will be much better than showing pictures, much less trying to gesture about the ingredients and actions. Lots more. 4. This applies to both the content and the administrative implications. It's a meeting of minds across what has traditionally been the 'Great Divide'. They have not. (How can you gesture “lettuce,” or the difference between “slice” and “dice”?). ©Macmillan Education Limited 2020. Please check your email for further instructions. Just because a school decides to practise 'immersion', it doesn't mean that it is CLIL-ing. Then you can track their progress individually and as a group. The former is referred to as content-driven, and the latter as language-driven. Key terms in CLIL. After some time reading and wrestling with the Italian text, you process the material by giving students a written activity (e.g. Provide a holistic educational experience. It's a powerful equation, because it also brings school departments together, and it often results in a potent exchange of skills. But if it is to be taken seriously as an approach, and then adopted by the world of pedagogy, it needs to have identifiable limits. Yes. By expanding the knowledge available to your students, you’re also expanding your own understanding, learning new material so that you can teach it well. You cannot differentiate between the planets unless you can say that Jupiter is bigger than Mars – to quote an obvious example. In what ways does CLIL manifest itself in terms of curricular types, and perhaps more simply - how do you know if you're 'CLIL-ing', to quote a new verb? In its stronger versions, it simulates this type of sequencing, and in its weaker versions it lends 'sequential coherence' to language lessons by basing them on real conceptual material and extending the time that is devoted to this practice. In the first of these articles, Content and Language Integrated Learning, I gave an introduction to this field.In this second article I will look more closely at how CLIL is realised in the classroom and suggest a framework for planning CLIL lessons. Use images. Welcome to ESL Printables, the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc. In other words: you do not have to skip lessons but can … Don't overthink it. However, planning and carrying out good CLIL lessons is not as easy as you may think. Our collection is growing every day with the help of many teachers. (Download). It's obvious. In questa sezione trovi le lezioni di CLIL di Network che si trovano su My Digital Book 2.0.. Network 1 CLIL Lessons (PDF) In these last two techniques, it’s the students who’ll do most of the talking. If not, then what is learnt in their language lessons may be wasted to some extent. If the solo nature of show and tell is too much for some of your students, the group or pair nature of role playing could encourage them to try more active participation in class. You’d have to be expansive in your actions, right? You can select which topic you want to learn about, watch some videos in your own time and test your knowledge with a quiz. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you First Class:  Romans land in Britain in 56 BC. Once you accept that you have to do it, it becomes easier. A language-driven approach would envisage foreign language classes (for example) using more content than is typical of such programmes, or using didactic units which made greater use of subject-based content. Rather than being a stand-alone subject, language becomes a skill acquired in the classroom while mastering other types of content. Lack of inspiration for new activities for your CLIL lesson; At loss where to start with all the things you have to keep in mind when teaching CLIL. If you get training to help you do it, it becomes easier still. But does it follow that, in addition to being a language teacher, you need to become a subject matter expert? You’ll need to be thinking about how to bring the content to each student’s skill level. A presentation of about five sentences will do. It also means that, as a teacher, you need to teach both at once. That’ll still make for a pretty interesting and immersive lesson. That’ll still make for a pretty interesting and immersive lesson. But, if you use the techniques I’m going to show you in this post, you’ll quickly realize that it’s possible for them to learn both a new language and a new subject at the same time. The group listens, then looks at the pictures of the planets they have been provided with. Motivation together with exposure and use are defined as crucial prerequisites for effective language acquisition (Willis 1996: 11). You activate both language and content when you start a lesson or topic. For a sampling of how comprehensible input can be achieved even when the crowd doesn’t speak a word of the medium of instruction, here’s a cool Stephen Krashen video. Catalog. This time, we go to the visual side of teaching a new language. Not at all. Is that what CLIL teachers really do? That adjustment almost always entails a reduction in teacher-talk. It is them, in the end, who are experts on their subject. Please make sure you … If you would like to share a lesson plan, send an email to and we will add it here. So – 'What would you do if you were writing the agenda of the next Global Warming Summit?'. A didactic unit on Global Warming in a 'weak' language-driven CLIL context may last as long as two months in the school year. For CLIL (49) Refine by Sort by. Nevertheless, the language-driven approach has as its basic objective. If you’re teaching Italian, maybe you can talk about the subject of religion and teach a prayer or two in the target language. A fun starter activity, a recap activity, whatever makes you feel more comfortable. So for example the teachers that we had in, each of them in their school has a different kind of Content and Language Integrated Learning because they do CLIL differently; some are doing trans-lingual CLIL, which is when they might teach one lesson in English and one lesson in their native language. Use English in the free CLIL Community on Facebook, be inspired by articles and learn more about in! Warming in a 'weak ' ( content-driven ) and 'weak ' language-driven CLIL context last! Them, in different schools from the University of Jyväskylä, in this case, you need to both!, content teachers begin to think about learning outcomes in lesson planning and “ dice ”? ) didactic! 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