He was rescued by a boat that raced to the scene, and arrived in Manhattan a changed man. He believed that he was so powerful and so important that no one would dare to lose him. Narrator: James's seafaring dreams were cut short. The Destiny of the Republic, a book written by Candice Millard in 2011, tells the story of President James Garfield’s death. This time there would be no doubt about who had made the president. Narrator: By late July, the United States had been effectively without a president for almost a month. Doctor Willard Bliss (James Eckhouse): Precisely. The practice back then was that newspapers would have bulletin boards and they would take the latest telegraphed messages from Washington about this or anything else and post them out front. . By the summer of 1880 Garfield had become the foremost Republican in the House of Representatives. Send us your e-mail to drshow@wamu.org, join us on Facebook or Kenneth D. Ackerman, Writer: He went to see Abraham Lincoln and the president told him in so many words that he had enough generals, and that where he really needed support at that point was on Capitol Hill. James Garfield (Shuler Hensley): We will stand by them until the equal sunlight of liberty shall shine upon every man, black or white, in the Union. As a result, the Republican Party had been all but banished from the old Confederacy. I want him dead. So someone finds an old horsehair and hay mattress, and they put the President on that, and take him to a room upstairs. Millard digs deeply into the turmoil that got James A. Garfield elected, the lunacy that got him shot and the medical malfeasance that turned a minor wound into a mortal one." Do you think you can you stand up to him? With the president hidden from public view, Americans saw the tragedy through the lens of newspapers and illustrated magazines. Get the latest on new films and digital content, learn about events in your area, and get your weekly fix of American history. What an incredible life of an incredible man. Jail Photographer (Josef Gurunz): Hold that. Jakub Faktor They felt that the more blood and pus that was encrusted on them, the more experience it showed. Narrator: James Garfield wasn't born to greatness, but to trouble and hardship. Lucretia Garfield (Kathryn Erbe, audio): The events of the past week seem more and more unreal. Mary Lintern James Garfield (Shuler Hensley): The Paris consulship? . Chicago History Museum 2014 wasn't a very good year for me and I wanted to read lighthearted stories with happy endings. . Garfield chose to take a stand on the issue closest to his heart: the fate of ex-slaves in the South. Believe me dear Madam when I assure you that in all parts, and amongst all classes, a common feeling of horror at the crime, and sympathy with the stricken, is paramount in the heart of every true man. Alexander Graham Bell (Jay Deyonker): I don't think it's conclusive. . Candice Millard, Author, Desti ny of the Republic: Garfield had several assets as a politician. That left seven states undecided, including the most populous in the Union. Dr. Narrator: Behind the scenes, the struggle over Garfield's treatment was becoming more intense. She also chillingly depicts his killer. Just before his second birthday, a wildfire threatened the family's homestead on the Ohio frontier. James Eckhouse ... Dr. Lucretia Garfield (Kathryn Erbe): Silas... Silas Boynton (Daniel Pearce): No. Mug. Bretislav Tosner Abscesses start popping up all over. splendidly drawn portraits. They confirmed that she had malaria, a constant danger for those living near the Potomac swamps. President James Garfield was only four months into his presidency when he was shot by Charles Guiteau, who claimed that God had instructed him to kill the president. The Endicott Estate, Dedham, MA Tomas Dvorak Kenneth D. Ackerman, Writer: Conkling was so angry at this point, he was prepared to sit out the election. Instead, he administered morphine every day, along with brandy and an assortment of rich foods, which Garfield was unable to keep down. Candice Millard, Author, Destiny of the Republic: He was such an extraordinary student, that by his second year, instead of working as the janitor, they made him a professor of literature, mathematics and ancient languages. . Petr Slansky And there were rules about how you did this. What do you have to say? When he was sixteen he hired himself out to a local farmer and the farmer's daughter takes a liking to Garfield, and the father says to Garfield that no daughter of his is going to be seen with the likes of a poor boy like him. . Bliss was pilloried, both for his misjudgments and for his jealousy of other doctors. Candice Millard, Author, Destiny of the Republic: Even by 1880s standards, Garfield was receiving very questionable medical care. As a bonus, the author treats us to a frightening portrait of his murderer, as well as a critical examination of the primitive medicine of the time that contributed to his death. The new republic and the Skenvi empire both compete over the small planet Coreign that provides a special ore. Joseph Stanley Brown (Joe Weintraub): The President will see you now. Martin Koudela James Garfield (Shuler Hensley, audio): We no longer love because we ought to, but because we do. They didn't know where the bullet was and they believed that he would not survive the night. The death of their three-year-old daughter and Garfield's affair in New York threatened to tear Lucretia and James apart. A thrice-divorced radio host and a commitment-shy art curator fall in love, but their relationship is affected by the experiences of Reviewed in the United States on September 14, 2015. But I suppose I shall grow accustomed to it after a while. Add To Cart Save 35% for the next: Days. And Lucretia was just too shy to be openly affectionate with him. She makes you a witness, not a reader." Narrator: In 1881 Washington was no longer the small, provincial city that Garfield had known as a young Congressman. Chester Arthur (Adam LeFevre): The timing isn't good -- there's lots of sympathy for the first lady... Roscoe Conkling (Sean Mahon): That'll pass. James Blaine (John Hutton): Don't you worry. Dr. Although Grant was personally honest, his first two terms had been rife with corruption, and the Stalwarts wanted more of the same. Across the country people are rising up in anger believing that Chester Arthur wants nothing more than for Garfield to die so he can get his hands on the presidency, with Conkling behind him. So for Garfield to have any hope of winning, he needed to get Conkling in the game. František Měsíček You would think that after the Lincoln assassination, people would have decided that there should be guards around the president. Roscoe Conkling (Sean Mahon): You made promises last August. Dr. Doctor Willard Bliss (James Eckhouse): Dr. Boynton, you may be the president's cousin, but he is my patient. But that didn't mean they wanted him in the White House. Alexander Graham Bell (Jay Deyonker): It is a delicate procedure... Alexander Graham Bell (Jay Deyonker): As you wish. Martin Krcmarik ', Narrator: As Garfield was delivering his address to the delegates, he shouted, "And now gentlemen of the Convention, what do we want?" There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. Narrator: As the leader of the Stalwarts, Conkling had opposed Garfield's nomination at the convention. He thought it was ridiculous to fear something you couldn't even see. From the midst of the crowd came an unexpected answer: "We want Garfield!". Ivan Spirek Please try again. Millions now worked in factories where 14-hour days, harrowing conditions, and starvation wages were common. Kids T-Shirt. Even you know how it ends she writes in such a way that you find yourself hoping he WILL be OK. Mary Lintern, Garfield National Historic Site: He must have seemed very strange on that campus. Robert Todd Lincoln (Robert Polo): We've got to get him back to the White House. Hiram College Archives They [Millard’s books] exhibit a keen eye for human frailties.” —The Washington Post "Fascinating. Do you understand? Millard has turned Garfield’s story into a crackling tale of suspense and a panoramic picture of a fascinating but forgotten era.” —Debby Applegate, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for The Most Famous Man in America“As she did in The River of Doubt, Candice Millard has written another riveting narrative. An interesting subtheme was the efforts of Alexander Graham Bell to invent a machine that would locate the bullet in Garfield's body. Narrator: Now that the president was gone, Americans' greatest fear was that Guiteau would escape the gallows by pleading insanity. James and Lucretia were consumed with grief when their eldest daughter Trot died at the age of three. He put his life on the line in the Civil War, he fought in a number of battles including some very tough ones. Jan Zizka Strongly recommended. But four months after Garfield's inauguration in 1881, he was shot in the back by a deranged office-seeker named Charles Guiteau. Garfield reacted to the news with a shrug. Tony Pipitone A homeopath would believe in keeping the patient calm, rested, nourished, and clean; the opposite of what Bliss was doing. But I'm afraid you've wasted your time, Doctor -- the crisis has passed. Crewneck Sweatshirt. He had all but destroyed his most dangerous adversary. And those bulletin boards quickly started attracting very large crowds. Charles Guiteau (Will Janowitz): Charles Guiteau -- Paris -- thank you sir. Tank Top. A New York Times Notable Book "Crisp, concise and revealing history. Murder of a President is based on Candice Millard's bestselling and Edgar Award-winning book, Destiny of the Republic. . An Apograph Productions Inc. film for American Experience. Charles Guiteau (Will Janowitz): I don't want to appear too strained or awkward. But instead of Garfield's vision dying with him, his death brought together the American public in a way they had not been united since well before the Civil War. So: you may observe. Nancy Tomes, Historian: They didn't know the exact track of the bullet. Unfortunately, Charles Guiteau could not master the intricacies of these rules. Kenneth D. Ackerman, Writer: Chester Alan Arthur is being forced to really take a look in the mirror at himself, at his behavior, at the way the Stalwarts had affected the country. Destiny of the Republic, written by Candace Miller, tells the story of James Garfield the 20th President of the United States who was extremely reluctant to become President, so reluctant in fact that while he was being nominated for the Republican party he did not vote for himself and tried to get others to vote against him. Finally, we get a mini-biography of Alexander Graham Bell, who did a lot more than invent the telephone. Ruben Kut James Garfield (Shuler Hensley): Why don't you come along? Narrator: Conkling resigned his seat in the U.S. Senate. Kenneth D. Ackerman, Writer: For the first time in 1880 you now had the solid South. Nancy Tomes, Historian: Guiteau was jubilant. "But if it is brought to my door, the bringer will find me at home.". Chester Arthur (Adam LeFevre): Look: I don't know who this man is. One of the most important popularizers of germ theory was a Scottish surgeon named Joseph Lister, who said to himself, "If there are living germs in the air while surgeons are operating, that could be the source of wound infections. . Did everyone believe Lister? Just going to change your dressings. Ms. Millard recounts this episode of our nation’s history in a style that keeps readers on the edge of their seats even though the ending is known.” —The Washington Times“Splendid. Museum of the City of New York Candice Millard, Author, Destiny of the Republic: He is thinking my life is gonna change now too. I prayed often for his recovery but the good Lord has taken him home, where we hope to meet him. Destiny 2 is an FTP (free-to-play) online-only multiplayer first-person shooter video game which is developed by Bungie. Roscoe Conkling (Sean Mahon) : Well that's fine. Superb American history." Doctor Willard Bliss (James Eckhouse): He has rallied against all odds. His sister -- his sister Francis -- would never forget when she heard her father yelling at Charles "say the word" and Charles would stammer, and he would beat him. The Customs House was the source of Conkling's power, and he used that power to undermine the last two presidents. James Garfield (Shuler Hensley): We all fought the election. It was the difference between machine politics that served only a few and a government that would serve everybody. Dr. I was surprised to find that he had not sought the nomination, had been for Sen. John Sherman, and was nominated against his wishes when the GOP convention bolted to him on the 36th ballot. But Garfield is trying to soothe Conkling's feelings. Petr Kulhanek Six weeks after setting out, he returned home, deathly ill with malaria. Sweet Jesus this guy was modest. As Washington descended into chaos, Charles Guiteau was taken to a cell in the District Jail. Guiteau was put on trial, but there was never any doubt about the outcome. James Garfield (Shuler Hensley): It's a nice pasture. Kenneth Ackerman James Norton from the New York Times. Nancy Tomes, Historian: From our perspective now, absolutely no doubt, Guiteau was profoundly mentally ill. You can't nominate me without my agreement," and he's immediately gaveled down. Sir, this won't but take just a second. Roscoe Conkling (Sean Mahon): I'm going to resign my Senate seat. For many Americans, James Garfield represented not only an American's capacity to rise up in the world, but also the larger notion of what they believed the Union had fought for—equal opportunity for all men, black or white. And his efforts seemed to be paying off when the New York Times listed him alongside party luminaries. DESTINY OF THE REPUBLIC: A TALE OF MADNESS, MEDICINE AND THE MURDER OF A PRESIDENT By Candice Millard Doubleday, $28.95, 339 pages. Narrator: Guiteau listened to the screams as the passengers threw themselves and their children into the water to escape the flames. The Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio Kathryn Allamong Jacob, Historian: She had an unwavering moral compass, which Garfield admired and learned from and respected her for. Alan Gephardt In the middle of May, Garfield's close ally, Secretary of State James Blaine told Guiteau that he would never be the consul to Paris. My wife and I both wanted to read this excellent history for a book club we belong to, so we obtained a copy on CD and listened to it on our recent 2,100 mile vacation to NC and VA. I can recall little more than that he was killed by a disappointed office seeker named Charles Guiteau. Silas Boynton (Daniel Pearce): Mrs. Garfield. I'm Doctor Bliss. Books were rare in James's world, but those he did have were read over and over until he could recite them from memory. James Garfield (Shuler Hensley): Mollie won't like that -- they've made her look very strange. Destiny 2 may be a shooter with RPG elements, but by telling its story with a far smaller group of characters. Narrator: Two ballots later, an astonished Garfield found himself the Republican candidate for president. His mother had little time for grief. We should all pray for his deliverance. Dr. Jakub Choura Good day sir. Todd Arrington, Garfield National Historic Site: Lucretia Garfield becomes a very important figure during the summer of 1881. Hours. Jan Kubal Candice Millard leaves us feeling that Garfield's assassination deprived the nation not only of a remarkably humble and intellectually gifted man but one who perhaps bore the seeds of greatness . Somehow, Garfield had to avoid enabling such a dangerous rival. Stanislav Sokol James Garfield National Historic Site And no one knows where he is. Narrator: Garfield had no option but to deal with Conkling's underlings, led by Chester Arthur. There's no question that Garfield could have been a great president. Getty Images And some 70% to 80% of all imports coming into America came in through the port of New York. This is going to be painful. Garfield rose from poverty to become the most powerful man in the U.S., and many Americans believed he had the potential to become one of the country's truly great presidents. "Of course I deprecate war," he wrote a friend. Ever since he shot the president, he had been telling anyone who would listen about his connections to Chester Arthur. Jan Miskovsky James Garfield (Shuler Hensley): I'm sure we can reach some sort of accommodation. James Garfield (Shuler Hensley, audio): My Dear Lucretia: My heart is so broken with our great national loss that I can hardly think or write or speak. I lament sorely that I was born poor." But a number of fans have always wondered about what happens to the character of Luke Skywalker after the film; here is what they need to know. Viktor Holy The iconic movie and it's iconic ending is featured in this original design by Vin Davis. recovers for us just what a remarkable—even noble—man Garfield was. Karel Davidek Easy. But when the time came to take his seat at the end of 1863, the war was at a critical stage, and General Garfield was reluctant to leave his men. 004: Destiny of the Republic + End-of-Year lists by Kate Gramlich December 28, 2016 To be quite honest, neither of us thought we'd care about James Garfield as much as we now do. So, while he's there he forms no bonds at all. S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL 5XL. And he chose carbolic acid as his disinfectant of choice. What stayed with Garfield, however, was the memory of stepping into a clearing after the battle, and seeing what he thought were sleeping soldiers. Chester Arthur (Adam LeFevre): Why? Doctor Willard Bliss (James Eckhouse): As you wish. . … Doctor Willard Bliss (James Eckhouse): Gently, easy. Candice Millard, Author, Destiny of the Republic: He thought that he was going to be famous for it, and he was going to be wealthy and he was going to be, beloved. Robin Stanford Collection It remains for us to keep that faith, to go forward in the great work until it shall be completed. Petr Krause . I resign. Sync Sound, Supervising Sound Editor & Re-Recording Mixer You can't give up. Petr Blaha As the weeks passed, it appeared that Garfield had been spared, and his recovery was in good hands. Pond5 State Archives of Florida Narrator: Garfield was scheduled to deliver the nominating address for a long-shot candidate, fellow Ohioan John Sherman. Born into abject poverty, he rose to become a wunderkind scholar, a Civil War hero, and a … Kenneth D. Ackerman, Writer: The news of the shooting spread very quickly. James Abram Garfield was one of the most extraordinary men ever elected president. Telegram Woman 4 (Actor, audio): Mr. Garfield, I watched very careful your sickness since the time you was shot, and feel very happy at the good news that you are getting better every day now. Destiny of the Republic, a nonfiction book written by Candice Millard in 2011, tells the story of President James Garfield’s death in 1881 after being shot by Charles Guiteau. News, author interviews, critics' picks and more. Garfield survived the immediate shooting, but, with the importance of sterilization not yet realized by most American medical professionals, infection set in, killing the president 79 days later. Charles Guiteau (Will Janowitz, audio): The President's tragic death is a sad necessity, but it will unite the Republican Party, and save the Republic. Destiny 2 is a free-to-play online-only multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie. He has shown us how man in the humblest circumstances can grapple with man, rise, and win.". The crowd had come to hear the most famous black man in America, former slave Frederick Douglass. Nancy Tomes, Historian: God says to Guiteau, "You need to kill the president." But who were these men? Candice Millard, Author, Destiny of the Republic: He wanted to make sure that when she heard about this she heard it from him. Narrator: Since the day of the shooting, soldiers had stood guard outside Guiteau's jail, protecting him from his fellow citizens. In an era shot through with cynicism and corruption, he had dared to summon once again the better angels of their natures. When James Garfield came face to face with slavery during his time fighting in the South, his belief in the cause of abolition and freedom was strengthened. Slavery may have great charms for the rich, but no one can fail to see that it is the poor man's bane. And actually we discover that President Garfield, had he lived, may have been one of America's most respected Presidents. Candice Millard, Author, Destiny of the Republic: He believed that the American people were with him. John Jenkins He was someone that they trusted. Courtesy of Curb Records Inc./Fisk University, Telegram Voiceovers Destiny of the Republic A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of A President (Book) : Millard, Candice : A narrative account of the twentieth president's political career offers insight into his background as a scholar and Civil War hero, his battles against the corrupt establishment, and Alexander Graham Bell's failed attempt to save him from an assassin's bullet. Narrator: Garfield was deeply moved when ordinary people started coming from far and wide, just to see him. Now that he was in control of his own party, the president might realize the dream he had proclaimed during the campaign, that "the equal sunlight of liberty should shine upon every man, black or white, in the Union." Roscoe Conkling (Sean Mahon): Change his mind. It featured eight episodes of the series, four of which were new. Male Female. Doctor Willard Bliss (James Eckhouse): What is the nature of your practice? We're due to change the president's dressings -- so you might both want to step outside. Candice Millard, Author, Destiny of the Republic: They were crossing the Long Island Sound at night and there's a heavy fog… when out of this great dense fog and blackness appears this steamship and they crash. Star Wars: Forces of Destiny: Volume 23 is the second TV special of the animated micro-series Star Wars: Forces of Destiny. Candice Millard joins me in the studio. Kenneth D. Ackerman, Writer: Garfield had been a congressman for 16 years. He's racked by fevers, he's racked by chills. —The Oregonian“By keeping a tight hold on her narrative strands, Millard crafts a popular history rich with detail and emotion. James Blaine (John Hutton): Sir, what can I do? He first tried to win Conkling over by offering the vice presidency to Chester Arthur. Roscoe Conkling (Sean Mahon): Incredible. And it's at that point he starts planning. Candice Millard, Author, Destiny of the Republic: He'd been incredibly kind and just and courageous. Karel Matejicek Even on the busiest days, the president found time to check in on his five children. Chester Arthur (Adam LeFevre): We've lost Platt. He never should have been allowed to hurt anyone, much less the President of the United States. By then, the wound in Garfield's back had been probed more than a dozen times with unwashed fingers and instruments. 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